Gattopardo, Il

So, what happened ?
l'll tell you.
Tassoni, Aldrighetti, me and a few
others try to break the door down.

No way. So, we run to get a beam
from a bombed house

and we finally
get to tear the door down.

We get in and find nobody.
All of a sudden, we hear screams
coming from a corner.

The nuns had hidden
in the chapel, by the altar !

Who knows why they were so scared
of a few exasperated youngsters !

lt was pretty funny:
they were so old and ugly,

in their black veils,
their eyes wide open,

all of them awaiting...
martyrdom !

They were whining like bitches.
And Tassoni yells: ''No way,
sisters, we have no time, now.

We'll be back when you'll have
some... novices available !''

We all laughed our heart out.
We left them, and went to fire
on the Royal troops from the top.

Ten minutes afterwards,
l was wounded.

You must have been good fun, all
of you. l wish l had been there.

lf you had been there, Miss,
there would have been no need
to wait for the novices !
