
Give me a clean, white shirt.
Boy, you're real big
with the "please"
and "thank you," aren't you?

Please get up
off your lazy butt

and get me a clean,
white shirt. Thank you.

Had a little trouble
getting the lipstick
out of this one.

Just try the brand
you're wearing.

Maybe it'll wash out easier.
Let's not.
Look, you ain't getting
any younger.

What are you saving it for?
The tabs are in the collar.
Hear the whippoorwill?
I think
there's two of them.

You know, I've never seen
one of those birds
in my whole life.

All I do is hear them
calling across the flat.

What are you
thinking about, Lon?

Oh, I don't know.
Just looking up ahead, I guess.
You know, to what's coming.
Thinking about your worries
and your ambitions, are you?

Yeah, that,
having a car of my own
to tear around in,

and girls.
Well, I expect you'll get
your share of what's good,

and a boy like you deserves it.
Hey, it's getting late.
Boy, my daddy sure looks
like his collar was choking him.

Those were his Sunday best.
I don't remember him any.
I do.
You don't carry a picture
of Hud around with you, do you?

No, I don't.
But he's your son,
same as my dad was.

Yep, he is.
What are you holding
against him, Granddad?

He knows,
and you don't need to.
