
Now, you look a-here.
You've had 24 of my 34 years
working for you on this ranch,

and, Daddy, you have had
top-grade cheap labor.

I shoveled manure
out of barns for you.

You got my calluses, for what?
Your blessings the day you die?
Now, damn it, I want
out of this spread

what I put into it.
Well, you got a proposal
to make to me, Hud?

You get on the
telephone tonight

and sell every breed cow
you own.

They haven't got
a chain on you yet.

Would that be your way
to getting out of a tight?

Well, I can ship
the whole herd out

before they begin the test.
You mean, try and pass
bad stuff off on my neighbors,

who wouldn't even know
what they was getting?

Eh, you don't know
it's bad stuff.

Aw, ship them out of state,
unload them up north
before the news gets out.

And take a chance
on starting an epidemic

in the entire country.
Why, this whole country
is run on epidemics!

Where you been?
Epidemics are big business--
crooked TV shows,

income tax finagling,
souped up expense accounts.

How many honest men you know?
You take the sinners
away from the saints,

you're lucky to end up
with Abraham Lincoln.

So I say, let's us
put our bread

in some of that gravy
while it is still hot.

You're an unprincipled man, Hud.
Well, don't let that fuss you.
I mean, you've got enough
for both of us.
