
Thank you, honey.
Hey, hi, Joe.
Which one of you two's coming out
of my house at six in the morning?

I asked you a question.
Which one, damn it?

I hate to have to tell you as it's my own
nephew, but it's this snot-nosed kid.

I'll kill that little punk.
Wait a minute!
You got diabetes.
I'll handle this for you.

I can do it myself. Out of my way.
Now, Joe, you can't afford
to get worked up, buddy boy.

I'll lower his temperature some,
I promise you.

All right, hot shot. We're going to finish
this discussion behind the woodshed.

Thanks a whole lot!
Relax, you can charge a stud fee
by the time that story gets around.

If I'm still alive.
I could've gotten hurt back there.

So could I. Ain't it lucky you were handy?
- You should take me along as a regular.
- Pace would kill you, sonny.

What's so important my daddy
has to drag me back on my day off?

- He wants to ask your advice.
- Ask me?

He hasn't asked me
about anything in 15 years.
