
I just work out there
from the shoulders down myself.

Can you make it all day,
after last night?

I ain't 100 years old like him.
I don't need a week's sleep to be fresh.

He can't help being an old man.
You sure drive this thing.
That'll be Hud.
Parked right in my flower bed.
- Good morning, Hud.
- Morning.

I'm sorry to cut into your time off.
Lonnie, close that screen door.

The house is still standing,
you're drinking coffee as usual,

why push the panic button?
We come up with a dead heifer
in the night.

You dragged me back here
for a dead cow?

I'm worried about this one. She wasn't
cut or crippled-looking. No swelling.

- Any Johnson grass around?
- No.

This may be something
I ought to know about.

José and Jesse are
keeping off the buzzards.

Stay out of those berries,
they're for the pie.

Let's not stand around.
I got things to do.
