I Could Go on Singing

Actually, you see,
I came up to town on my own.

They don't know I'm here.
You mean your father
doesn't know?

No. He thinks
I'm in Canterbury.

But I wouldn't miss
your opening night for anything.

Listen, Matt,
you're going to see my show...

and then we're going
to have supper together...

and then I think I'll
bed you down at the Savoy...

and after that, we'll get
your tape recorder tomorrow...

that he promised you...
and a couple
of other things, maybe.

That sounds marvelous. But
I think Aunt Beth would worry...

No, don't worry about that.
You'll take care of Aunt Beth,
won't you, Ida?

Yes, I'll call Aunt Beth.
- Joe.
- Yes, Miss.

Would you show this young man
to his seat, please?

- Yes, certainly.
- Good luck, Miss Bowman.

Thank you. You know, we may have
such a good time tonight...

your father will be sorry
he missed it.

- Good-bye.
- Bye.

Did you check the fuse box?
Well, something
looks like it's out.

Check it, and fix it fast.
Honey, it's a gas!
Gimme! Gimme!
- Go!
- Yeah!

