La Baie des anges

Gambling is stupid.
I behaved like a lunatic.
I'm furious.

Forget it.
I'm thirsty.
Can we afford a scotch?

I've got some change.
Five, six, seven... 730 francs.
Oh, yes! 1,000.
We're saved!

- How much?
- 1,500 francs.

We can't afford another?
What will you do?
You've made me yawn, too!
I'll go and sleep.

I could go to Marijo's.
It's a bar like this.

All bars are alike.
She'd have no room
for me, anyway.

No, I'll go to the station.
- The waiting room!
- You know?

A little.
I'm really sleepy.
We'll get your bag from the
station, then go to my hotel.

I'll rent you a room.
You'll sleep better there
than on a bench...

between a cop and a soldier.
That's so nice of you!
There's no bell.
Nobody in here.
Don't wake everybody up.
I'll sleep in an armchair
in your room.

We'll save money.
Make yourself at home.
There are coat hangers.
Here's the armchair.
