La Frusta e il corpo

Have mercy on me, oh, God,
according to Thy great mercy.
Block out mine inequities.

Wash me from mine inequities and
cleanse me from m y sins, for I
acknowledge mine inequity and

m y sin is always before me. Against
Thee only have I sinned and done evil
before Thee. For behold, I was

conceived in inequities and in sins
that m y mother conceived me. Turn
away Thy face from m y sins.

Cast me not away from Thy face
and take not Thy Holy Spirit from
me. Eternal rest, grant unto him,

oh, Lord, Absolve the souls of the
faithful departed from every bond of
sin and by the help of Thy grace,

may they be enabled to escape the
avenging judgement. Oh, God, by whose
mercy the souls of the faithful find

rest, bless this grave. Release the souls
of all those buried here that they may
rejoice with Thy saints

forever through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Now, our son, Kurt Menliff, is
ready for the last judgment. Let
us pray for him.
