Murder at the Gallop

- Oh, dear.
- Not one of my failures.

Deliberate, I assure you.
I cooked the piece of mud we found in
old Enderby's house

and then filled
the hole with plaster.

Lo and behold,
preserved in plaster forever.

I see. Ingenious, Miss Marple.
It is rather, isn't it?
Although it went against the grain to
overcook my pastry.

A perfect match...
but what do you make of this?

The mark of a stirrup iron.
- Then it was mud from a riding boot.
- Yes.

From a boot with
a very distinctive scar on it.

That piece of fresh mud was stuck
between the sole and heel

of someone's riding boot...
...someone who visited Mr Enderby
just before he died.

The murderer?
We can't call him that, since it
hasn't been decided he was murdered.

True, but when Inspector Craddock has
considered your theory...

Inspector Craddock has assured me
that that is exactly
what he is not going to do.

No, Jim,
you and I must pursue
this trail entirely on our own.

Then where shall we begin?
We must find out who benefits
by the death.

We'll have to wait until the will
is published in the newspapers.

Not necessarily.
- That's the lot, Fred.
- Tea's up. I'll see you inside.

Fortune favours the brave.
I beg your pardon?
