Summer Magic

- Who's it from?
- Oh, nobody you'd know.

Gilly, pry yourself away
from that piano. There's work to do.

I don't see why Mother had to sell it.
Because it's the most valuable thing
we own and we need the money.

How am I going to be a composer
with only a guitar to compose on?

Hey! My fish!
I got to thinking about him
the other day. Where was he?

Oh, Gilly, you can't take everything.
There's not gonna be room
in our horrid new house.

And we can't afford
to pay storage on junk.

Look at his poor eye.
Why is my stuff always junk
and your stuff always priceless?

- Here, you can have him, Peter.
- Thanks! I'll put him with my junk.

Well, that did a lot of good.
