The Great Escape

Hey, Hilts. Looks like there's only
one other American in the whole camp.

Some guy named Hendley
in the RAF Eagle squadron.

Hey, you got something goin' already?
See the way the goons
got those towers placed?

- There's a blind spot through the middle.
- A blind spot?

A guy could stand at that wire
and not be seen by either tower.

They'd never see me, especially at night.
- You're crazy.
- You think so? Let's find out right now.

Now, the next step's a little tricky.
- You're not goin' out there?
- Not while they're lookin', I'm not.

I think I'll take a little walk.
- Danny, you speak Russian?
- Only one sentence.

Let me have it, mate.
- What's it mean?
- I love you.

I love you? What bloody good is that?
I don't know.
I wasn't going to use it myself.
