The Raven

"only this, and nothing more."
Distinctly I remember
it was in the bleak December...

and each separate dying ember...
wrought its ghost
upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished
the morrow...

vainly I had sought to borrow...
from my books
surcease of sorrow...

sorrow for the lost Lenore...
for the rare
and radiant maiden...

whom the angels name Lenore.
Nameless here forevermore.
And the silken sad
uncertain rustling...

of each purple curtain
thrilled me...

filled me with fantastic
terrors never felt before.

So that now, to still
the beating of my heart...

l stood repeating...
"'Tis some visitor entreating
entrance at my chamber door.

"Some late visitor entreating
entrance at my chamber door.

"This it is...
"and nothing more."
