The Raven

you will only succeed
in boring me...

whereupon I shall leave you
as I left Erasmus.

How, my darling treasure?
By making me think
that you have died?

Tell me, my...precious viper...
how did you know
that he was coming here...

since, as you pointed out
so petulantly...

l never tell you anything?
l didn't, at first.
l only guessed...
after you turned that dismal
little fat man into a blackbird.

A raven, my love.
l knew he wouldn't
go for help...

to a magician who was
in the brotherhood.

Of course!
And that left only Dr. Craven.
How deftly nimble is your mind.
Why were you so sure
that Bedlo would see...

a portrait of me
in Erasmus' house?

lf you wanted Erasmus here...
wasn't it a rather farfetched
way of bringing him here?

After more than two years
with me, dear Lenore...

do you still think I make
my plans in a farfetched way...

leave anything to chance?
What do you mean?
Come with me and see.
Let go!
