This Sporting Life

What have you got in there?
Open up, you boss-eyed git.
Open up.
The Manager's expecting us.

Come on, Jeff.
Come on, open up!
Come on.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I'm with players.
I'm with players.
I didn't know it was you. Come in.
And now, the biggest moment
of the evening.

The winners of the
Freestyle Dance Contest,

Miss Evie Turner and
Mr. John Whittaker.

We've just been joined
by another winning team
we are proud of.

Our City Rugby League Team!
Come on, the City!
I'm going to ask a couple
of these famous

men present the winners
with their prizes.

Len Miller and
Maurice Braithwaite.

Come on, come on.
Just wait till I've finished.
Come on, Len.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Len Miller,
