A Shot in the Dark

Give me ten men like Clouseau
and l could destroy the world.

- Where is he now?
- I don't know.

After l got his release he got a phone call.
He ran out of his office saying he had an
important lead that would crack the case.

This case is already so full of cracks
l guess one more won't make a difference.

- François?
- Yes, Commissioner?

I've just cut off my thumb.
Now then. You say you followed Maria
Gambrelli to this godforsaken place.

She took a taxi this far,
then l followed her up the pathway

to the entrance to Camp Sunshine.
- Camp Sunshine?
- Yes.

I'd have called you but then
l saw Dudu the maid also enter.

- up the path?
- Yes, but...

Look, you return to the Ballon residence
and look for more clues.

- Inspector...
- I will try to see what is afoot here.

- Inspector, l think l should...
- Hurry up. There's not a second to lose.

Good afternoon.
I am lnspector Clouseau of the Sûreté.
Tell me, have you anyone registered here
by the name of Maria Gambrelli?
