Dr. Strangelove

missile complexsevenmiles east

November, bravo, Xray...

1 -0-8.
Fused air burst at 1 0--''
Check-- '' 1 2,000 feet.''

Excuse me, sir. Something rather
interesting hasjust cropped up.

Listen to that. Music.
Civilian broadcasting.

I think the Pentagon has given us
an exercise to check our readiness.

I think it's taking things too far.
Our fellows will be inside Russian
radar cover in about 20 minutes.

Listen. Chock full ofstations
all churning it out.

- Mandrake?
- Yes, sir?

I issued instructions for all radios
to be impounded.

You did, and I was in the process of
impounding this when I switched it on.

I thought our fellows hitting Russian
radar, dropping all their stuff...

I'd better tell you because ifthey do,
it'll cause a stink.

Group Captain,
the officer exchange program...

does not giveyou any special
prerogatives to question my orders.

I realize that, sir, but I thought
you'd be pleased to hear the news.

After all, let's face it.
We don't want to start a nuclearwar
unless we have to, do we?

Please sit down.
And turn that thing off.

Yes, sir.
What about the planes? Surelywe must
issue the recall code immediately.

The planes are not going
to be recalled.

My attack orders have been issued,
and the orders stand.

Ifyou'll excuse me for saying so,
that would be to myway ofthinking...

rather an odd way oflooking at it
Ifa Russian attackwas in progress...
we would certainly not be hearing
civilian broadcasting.
