Dr. Strangelove

Mandrake, come here.
You calling me,Jack?
Come over here
and help me with this belt.

I haven't had very much experience...
with those sort ofmachines.
I've only ever pressed a button
in my old Spitfire.

In the name of Her Majesty and the
Continental Congress, feed me this belt.

Jack, I'd love to come,
but what's happened, you see...

the string in my leg is gone.
- The what?
- The string. I never told you.

I've got a gammy leg.
Oh, dear. Gone. Shot off.

Mandrake, come over here.
The redcoats are coming.

When it is detonated, it will produce
enough radioactive fallout...

so that in ten months...
the surface ofthe Earth
will be as dead as the moon!

Come on, De Sadesky!
That's ridiculous!

Our studies show even the worst fallout
is down to a safe level after two weeks.

- You never heard ofcobalt theoium G.
- What about it?

Cobalt thorium G has
a radioactive half-life of93 years.

Ifyou take 50 H bombs
in the 1 00 megaton range...

andjacket them
with cobalt thorium G...

when they are exploded,
theywill produce a doomsday shroud...

a lethal cloud ofradioactivity...
which will encircle the Earth
for 93 years!

What a load ofCommie bull.
I mean, after all.

I'm afraid I don't understand
something, Alexi.
