
The rockets have the defects

They are too quick.
They allow too little time for thought.

I find this point ofview

By the very nature
ofmodern warfare, the--

Put that on polar projection.
- Yes, sir?
- Get me the president.

I'm Buck, the translator.
They sent for me.

May I seeyour identification?
It says you have a small scar
on your left wrist. May I see it?

Dog bit me when I was a kid.

Yes, sir.
Hello, Buck.
How's your Russian today?

Fine, sir. I guess.
Good. We may need it.
Hang on,Jennie.
It's a long way down.

TellJoe nothing leaks
to the newspapers yet.

Call the vice president and tell him
what's up. He'll know what to do.

On second thought,
we better tell the press something.

HaveJoe tell them it's urgent,
but not a bone-breaker so far.

And offthe record, no leaks.
Any leaks on this, the guy
and his paper are dead now and forever.

I'll tellJoe injust those words.
Who's at the Pentagon briefing today?
I want them in on this.

Secretary of Defense.
Chiefs ofStaff.

That Professor Groeteschele
they like so much is giving the lecture.

- Is Blackie there?
- There's a General Black.
