
the flying circus of my personal pilot,
Miss Pussy Galore,

will spray it into the atmosphere.
Once the population, including
the military, has been immobilised

my task force,
which Mr Strap and his people

smuggled across
the Rio Grande from Mexico,

will approach Fort Knox
in motorised equipment

along Bullion Boulevard,
which runs past the depository here

and intersects with Gold Vault Road.
This fence surrounding the depository,
as Mr Strap reminded us, is electrified.
It will be dynamited!
My task force will then move
to the main entrance and demolish it.

How, may I ask?
You made that possible, Mr Solo. By
using your influence in shipping circles

to bring through customs uninspected
a consignment labelled machine parts.
All that will then remain is to descend
to the vaults where the bullion is stored.

- I've heard enough.
- Let him finish.

If you have no objection...
I'll take my money now.

What's the matter, Solo?
Too big for you to handle?

We must respect Mr Solo's decision.
Excuse me for a moment while I take care
of him. Make yourselves comfortable.

- How do we get it out?
- That's the bit I wanna hear!

Yeah, it'd better be good!
Who taught you judo?
The gun you took.
