Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte

If Luke Standish ever comes out here,
he'll be real sorry.

You hush. That ain't no way
to talk, Miss Charlotte.

Now, you come on.
Get yourself dressed.

Velma'll go downstairs
and fix you a nice breakfast.

Don't you worry about that sheriff
when he comes out here.

Velma'll get rid of him.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
It's not very often
we have a homicide...

and never able to find
the victim's head and hand.

I'm not much concerned about
examining your credentials, Mr. Wills.

I'm happy to go along
with anything you say.

I just have my doubts about
what you can expect to find.

We've had newsmen and all sorts
comin' down here for 35 years or more...

and none of'em any the wiser.
I don't expect to unearth
anything extraordinary.

After all, there's
nothing really unusual...

about an unclaimed
insurance policy.

It's just that
I don't want to upset anybody.

So if you'll just go along
with my little masquerade...

of a reporter from one
of our more esoteric crime magazines...

I'd be most awfully grateful to you.
Well, Mr. Wills, since you've come
all the way from London, England to see us...

I guess we'll just
have to oblige you...

esoteric magazines and all.
I'm sorry, Mr. Standish.
You're gonna to have to come out to the
Hollis place. We got real trouble this time.

What a remarkable coincidence.
By the way, Sheriff...
I wonder if you could arrange
for me to meetJewel Mayhew?

I guess we'll just
have to oblige you.

Thank you very much.
