Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte

What'd you wanna go tellin' him stories
about Miss Miriam for?

She ain't even answered your letters.
Well, she's comin' anyway.
Be the saddest day of your life, missy,
if she does come.

Your cousin Miriam ain't never had
but one idea in her head...

and that was
lookin' out for herself.

She's gotta come.
She's the only kin I got left.
Miriam's just gotta come.
She's the only one
who can help me now.

She's just gotta come.
I guess there's been
a whole heap of changes...

in this part of the country
since you was here last, miss.

I imagine there have been.
'Course, things ain't changed much
in this parish...

exceptin' folks are gettin'
a lot older than they used to be.

I suppose they are.
There's absolutely no point
you're gettin' so upset...

the way you did this morning.
Anyone who knew you
less well than I do might be forgiven...

for thinkin' you had
a persecution complex.

Yes, Dr. Drew.
they are asking you
to leave this house...

because they are going
to tear it down...

not because of any
of the ulterior motives...

- that you seem to imagine.
- What's that?
- Oh, Charlotte, please.

- Don't get so jumpy about everything.
- It's Miriam!

Miriam isn't expected
till tomorrow evenin'.

Now, come on.
Calm down.

Well, ma'am, this is it.
