Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte

but not to the extent
of being committed.

I'm sorry. There's just no way
to avoid the problem.

There are times when...
she genuinely doesn't know
what she's saying, but...

On the other hand,
I thought she described...

the way you left me
rather accurately.

If it's any comfort,
I've always regretted...

having let you go.
We don't have time
for regrets now, Drew.

And there is a lot to regret.
What a shame.
With all that money...

she could have done
such wonderful things with this place...

made it so beautiful again.
How could she stand
being alone here all these years?

People who oblige to live alone have
a habit of creatin' company for themselves.

Innocent fancies
can become fixed delusions.

I think she never fully accepted
John Mayhew's death.

At least, part of her mind hasn't.
Sometimes, she speaks of him...
as if he were still alive
here in this house...

as if she could still
feel his personality.

She plays that old harpsichord,
the song he wrote for her.

Often at night,
she sits up dressed...

as if she were still young...
and expectin' a beau.
I seem to remember expecting
something like that once myself.
