Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte

Yes, it's very pleasant here.
Very pleasant indeed.
Tell me, Mr. Wills,
weren't you a little surprised...

when I agreed to see you?
After all, you must've been told
that I don't normally receive visitors.

Well, yes. But then,
I found the hospitality...

of this part of the country extraordinary.
Besides, I imagine
you had your reasons.

Would you have
anything else, ma'am?

Um, no.
- Thank you, Lewis.
- Thank you, ma'am.

I did have my reasons, Mr. Wills.
- I did.
- I hope you won't regret it...

but I did warn you I'd have to touch
on some painful subjects.

Which leads me to confess...
to my own reasons for this meetin'.
I have a particular need
for a stranger now.

Yes, they...
they have their uses, don't they?

Well, in this little town...
our interests are all too, uh...
too tightly interlocked.

If you confide in one person,
you confide in the whole community.

You mean you'd like
somebody to talk to?

Only in a sense.
I'm not a well woman.
You can see that much for yourself.
Who was it said,
"This long disease, my life"?

Well, it's... it's comin' to an end.
Perhaps a month, a few weeks.
Who knows?

I'm terribly sorry.
Oh, no, no.
Don't be, not for me.

I think I'm even glad.
But never mind that.
I take it you're no stranger...

to the unhappier aspects
of people's lives.

In fact, the only way to trust someone
is on instinct alone.

I want you to have this.
I only ask that you don't open it
until after I'm gone.
