La Peau douce

- The baIcony?
- We're aII soId out.

Can I stand inside if I pay?
That's impossibIe, MademoiseIIe.
- ReaIIy?
- AbsoIuteIy. I'm sorry.

This Iady insists on going in.
AII seats were soId out in advance.
You can cIose up now.
Everybody has read or heId
a book from the famous
''PIe'iade'' coIIection

which pubIishes the entire work
of an author in one tome.

Gide got the idea
for this coIIection

by reading the BibIe.
He said:
''My dear Lachenay,

''our taIk today wiII heIp you
read my books.

''Am I the man required?''
I reassured Andre' Gide.

But time fIies...
In concIusion,

I shouId Iike to read
a few of Gide's finaI words:

''I ofer no doctrine,
''I refuse to give advice
''and I shy away from discussions.
''But I know that many today
are searching

''for someone to beIieve in.
''To them, I say,
''trust those who seek the truth,
''beware of those who've fount it,
question everything,

''but beIieve in yourseIf.''
And now, Marc AIIegret's fiIm.
Great speech!
- You think so?
- ReaIIy. It was perfect.

Listen, in pIaYing this,
Your fist concern
is to generate emotion...

Our friend Gide is great.
- He Iooks Iike a wrestIer.
- True.

... not mereIY Your own,
but for others as weII.
