
About the things I've done?
What do you think they are?
Things that aren't decent, is that it?

Well, you think
I'm Mr Pemberton's girl.

Is that why you don't
want me to touch you?

Is that how you think I get
the money to set you up?

I'm... I'm sorry, Mama.
I don't know what got
into me talking like that.

I know you've never really
thought anything bad about me.

No, I never.
Well, I'm sorry. I really am.
- I'll pick up the pecans.
- No, you go upstairs and lay down.

You're all wore out. I'll ask Jessie
to come over and pick up the nuts.

After all... it is Jessie's pie, isn't it?
No, I don't want to. Mama, no!
Marnie, wake up. Marnie?
Don't make me move, Mama.
It's too cold.

Wake up, Marnie.
You're still dreaming.

- Get washed up. Supper's ready.
- Oh.

I was having that old dream again.
- First the tapping and then -
- I said supper's ready.

It's always when
you come to the door.

That's when the cold starts.
