Mary Poppins

- Oh, would you, George?
- Obviously the way to find
a proper nanny...

is to go about it
in a proper fashion.

I shall put an advertisement in
the Times: Take this down please.

- Yes, of course, dear.
- Wanted.

Uh, no. Uh, required.
Nanny: firm, respectable,
no nonsense.

A BritisH nanny
must be a general

THe future empire
lies witHin Her Hands

And so tHe person tHat we need
to mould tHe breed

Is a nanny
wHo can give commands

- You getting this, Winifred?
- Oh, yes, dear. Every word.

A BritisH bank
is run witH precision

A BritisH Home
requires notHing less

Tradition, discipline and rules
must be tHe tools

WitHout tHem, disorder
catastropHe, anarcHy

In sHort you Have
a gHastly mess

Splendid, George! Inspirational.
The Times will be so pleased.
- Father?
- Yes?

We´ve discussed everything...
and we´re very sorry
about what we did today.

I should certainly think so.
- It was wrong to run away
from Katie Nanna.
- It was indeed.

And we do so want to get on
with the new nanny.

Very sensible. I shall be glad
to have your help in the matter.

We thought you would. That´s why
we wrote this advertisement.

- Advertisement for what?
- For the new nanny.

- You wrote an advert--
- George, I think we should listen.

- You said you wanted our help.
- But, I-- Oh, very well.

"Wanted: a nanny
for two adorable children.´´

"Adorable.´´ Well, that´s
debatable, I must say.

If you want tHis cHoice position
Have a cHeery disposition
-Jane, I don´t--
- Rosy cHeeks, no warts

- That´s the part I put in.
- Play games, all sorts

You must be kind
You must be witty

Very sweet
and fairly pretty
