My Fair Lady

...fed and clothed
by the sweat of his brow...

...till she's growed big enough
to be interestin' to you two gentlemen?

Is five pounds unreasonable,
I put it to you?

And I leave it to you.
You know, Pickering, if we took this man
in hand for three months...

...he could choose between a seat in
the Cabinet and a popular pulpit in Wales.

- We'd better give 'im a fiver.
- He'll make bad use of it, I'm afraid.

Not me, Governor, so 'elp me I won't.
Just one good spree
for meself an' the missus...

...givin' pleasure to ourselves
and employment to others.

An' satisfaction to you to know
it ain't been throwed away.

You couldn't spend it better.
This is irresistible. Let's give 'im ten.
The missus wouldn't have the 'eart
to spend ten.

Ten pounds is a lot o' money.
Makes a man feel prudent-like,
and then goodbye to 'appiness.

No, you just give me what I ask, Governor.
Not a penny less, not a penny more.

I rather draw the line at encouraging
this sort of immorality.

Why don't you marry that missus of yours?
After all, marriage isn't so frightening.
You married Eliza's mother.

Who told you that, Governor?
Well, nobody told me.
I concluded, naturally...

If we listen to this man for another minute
we'll have no convictions left.

- Five pounds, I think you said.
- Thank you, Governor.

Are you sure you won't have ten?
No. No, perhaps another time.
I beg your pardon, miss.
I won't say those ruddy vowels
one more time.

Blimey, it's Eliza.
I never thought she'd clean up
so good-looking.

She does me credit, don't she?
What are you doin' here?
Now, you hold your tongue and don't
you give these gentlemen none o' your lip.

If you have any trouble with 'er,
give 'er a few licks o' the strap.

That's the way to improve 'er mind.
Well, good morning, gentlemen.
Cheerio, Eliza.

There's a man for you.
A philosophical genius of the first water.

Write to Mr. Ezra Wallingford
and tell him...
