My Fair Lady

Has anybody behaved badly?
Colonel Pickering, Mrs. Pearce?

Well you don't pretend
that I have treated you badly?

Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Perhaps you're tired
after the strain of the day.

Would you have a chocolate?
No, thank you.
Well, it's only natural that you should
be anxious, but it's all over now.

Nothing more to worry about.
No, nothing more for you to worry about.
Oh, God, I wish I was dead.
Why? In heaven's name, why?
Now listen to me, Eliza.
All this irritation is purely subjective.

I don't understand. I'm too ignorant.
It's just imagination. Nothing's wrong.
Nobody's hurting you.

Go to bed and sleep it off.
Have a little cry and say your prayers.
You'll feel very much more comfortable.

I heard your prayers.
"Thank God it's all over."
Don't you thank God it's all over?
Now you're free,
and you can do what you like.

Oh, what am I fit for?
What have you left me fit for?

Where am I to go? What am I to do?
And what's to become of me?
That's what's worrying you, is it?
I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.
I'm sure you won't have any difficulty
in settling yourself somewhere or other.

I didn't quite realize you were going away.
You might marry, you know.
You see, Eliza, all men are not confirmed
old bachelors like me and the Colonel.

Most men are the marrying sort,
poor devils.

You're not bad-looking.
You're really quite a pleasure
to look at sometimes.

Not now, when you've been crying.
You look like the very devil, but...
...when you're all right and quite yourself
you're what I would call attractive.

Go to bed, have a good rest,
get up in the morning...

...and have a look at yourself in the glass.
You won't feel so bad.
