My Fair Lady

I ain't come here to ask
for any compliment...

...and if my money's not good enough,
I can go elsewhere.

Good enough for what?
Good enough for you.
Now you know, don't ya?
I'm come to 'ave lessons.

And to pay for 'em, too, make no mistake.
And what do you expect me to say?
Well, if you was a gentleman,
you might ask me to sit down, I think.

Don't I tell you I'm bringin' you business?
Should we ask this baggage to sit down...
...or shall we just throw her
out of the window?

I won't be called a baggage.
Not when I've offered to pay like any lady.

What do you want, my girl?
I want to be a lady in a flow'r shop...
...'stead of sellin' at the corner
of Tottenham Court Road.

But they won't take me
unless I can talk more genteel.

He said 'e could teach me.
Well, 'ere I am ready to pay 'im.
Not asking any favor
and he treats me as if I was dirt.

I know what lessons cost as well as you do
and I'm ready to pay.

How much?
Now you're talkin'.
I thought you'd come off it
for a chance to get back...

...a bit of what you chucked
at me last night.

You'd had a drop in, 'adn't you?
Sit down.
- Lf you're goin' t' make a compliment of it...
- Sit down!

Sit down, girl. Do as you're told.
What's your name?
Eliza Doolittle.
Won't you sit down, Miss Doolittle?
I don't mind if I do.
How much do you propose
to pay me for these lessons?

Oh, I know what's right.
My lady friend gets French lessons
for 18 pence an hour...

...from a real French gentleman.
You wouldn't have the face
to ask me the same...

...for teachin' me my own language
as you would for French.

I won't give more than a shillin'.
Take it or leave it.

Do you know, Pickering,
if you think of a shilling...

...not as a simple shilling,
but as a percentage of this girl's income...
