My Fair Lady

# With a little bit o' luck
You won't get hooked #

# With a little bit #
# With a little bit #
# With a little bit o' bloomin' luck! #
# They're always throwing goodness at you #
# But with a little bit o' luck a man can duck #
# The Lord above made man
to 'elp his neighbor #

# No matter where on land, or sea, or foam #
# The Lord above made man
to 'elp his neighbor, but #

# With a little bit o' luck
With a little bit o' luck #

# When he comes around
you won't be home ##

You'd make a good suffragette, Alfie.
Why, there's the lucky man now.
The Honorable Alfie Doolittle.
What are you doing in Eliza's house?
Her former residence!
You can buy your own drinks now,
Alfie Doolittle.

Fallen into a tub of butter, you have.
What are you talkin' about?
Your daughter, Eliza.
You're a lucky man, Alfie Doolittle.
What about Eliza?
He don't know.
Her own father an' he don't know.

Moved in with a swell, Eliza has.
Left here in a taxi all by herself,
smart as paint.

An' ain't been home for three days.
Go on.
And this mornin' I gets a message from 'er.
She wants her things sent over...
:46:44 27 A Wimpole Street...
:46:47 of Professor Higgins.
An' what things does she want?
Her birdcage and her Chinese fan.
But she says:
