My Fair Lady

# And fill his wife's poor 'eart
with grief and doubt #

# It's a crime for a man
to go philanderin', but #

# With a little bit o' luck
With a little bit o' luck #

# You can see the bloodhounds
don't find out! #

# With a little bit #
# With a little bit #
# With a little bit o' luck
She won't find out! #

# With a little bit o' bloomin' luck! ##
The mail, sir.
Pay the bills and say no to the invitations.
You simply cannot go on
working the girl this way.

Making her say her alphabet
over and over...

...from sunup to sundown,
even during meals.

You'll exhaust yourself. When will it stop?
When she does it properly, of course.
Is that all, Mrs. Pearce?

There's another letter from the
American millionaire, Ezra D. Wallingford.

He still wants you
for his Moral Reform League.

Throw it away.
It's the third letter he's written you.
You should at least answer it.

All right, leave it on the desk, Mrs. Pearce.
I'll try and get to it.
