
- Any luck?
- Nothing.

Young lady, come in! Come in!
Let me show you
what the gods have in store for you.

Knock it off, Estelle.
You know I don't believe that stuff.

Who does?
But you got anything better to do?

Come into the occult chamber.
Make yourself comfortable.

Madame Mijanou tells all
about the past, present...

All right, Estelle.
What do you want to tell me?

For you I see a journey.
Soon. Very soon.

At the end will be
someone very dear to you.

- I'm not going anywhere.
- To the Carver Show.

Get your crystal ball fixed.
You're wrong on both counts.

Listen, Cathy, there was nothing
between Charlie and me.

I was willing,
but he just couldn't see my charms.

Don't act like I'm talking
about Einstein's theory.

I know how you felt about him.
- Please, Estelle...
- And I know how he felt about you.

- That's why I couldn't get anywhere.
- Honestly, I don't care.

- Then go get him back!
- I just told you I don't...

Not for you, for the show.
He could wail, and the kids loved it.

There hasn't been a spending teenager
around this place since he left.

- I couldn't.
- Cathy, he's a louse.

- He uses people. Why not use him?
- No.

You've got a family to support, kid,
your dad and Maggie.

And I don't want to go back to
some tea room reading coffee grounds.
