The Killers

See if he gets back and running.
Now he starts to go. He's in gear.

He's got enough hay in that cockpit-
I've seen cars go into hay bales,
but not with that amount of hay.

He can't find the gearshift
for the hay.

Down the back chute for turn nine,
going very hard and fast.

Car seems to be vibrating.
He's got wheel trouble.

Right rear wheel is bent.
Could be from contact with the hay.
I think that this man
will go into the pit stop.

The car's starting to shimmy.
He's in the pack.

His hand goes up, signifying
that he is going into the pit area.

- He's coming in.
- A very wise decision.

That wheel is shimmying
something fierce.

Let's see if they can pull it off,
change the wheel,

or maybe there's something else
that's bent or damaged.

You just never know.
The rest of the drivers are continuing
in the race at a very tremendous pace.

Get me a new right rear
and check the suspension.

Around the turns they go into seven.
All cars on the course.
Everything moving along very nicely.

They're working feverishly in the pits
to get that North car back and running.

Let's see what happens.
The rest of the cars now on turn nine.

It's bad, Johnny. The lower "A" arm is
bent. The shock mountings are torn loose.

Bodywork's awful close.
It may rub, Johnny.

All right, baby your right rear,
watch it on the right-handers.

Summoned by his pit boss.
Now he goes.

Now he goes back and running in number 98,
the Sylvester Cobra. He's a tiger.

John North back into the race.
He's got a lot of time to catch up with.

Smoke is still coming off
that right rear wheel.

Let's see if he can keep going.
He's in the pack now.

He's got Hammond behind him
in number 96.

Rogers in number 99.
They're going into the S's.

Let's see if he can make a move here
or whether he's going to hold his position.

I certainly hope
he stays where he is.

Tremendous contention.
Up through the S's they go.

The race progressing
with a tremendous pace.

North coming very close now.
He's pressing number 244.
