The Pink Panther

You and I
could split the insurance.

All right.
I feel like dancing.
- Your Highness?
- I'd love to.

- How about you, Madame?
- Yes, of course.

- Your leg is better, Sir Charles.
- What?

- I say, your leg is better.
- Yes, much better. Thank you.

You know, Mr. Tucker...
- It's my beer, old man.
- My hand. It burnt...

I'm sorry.
Sit down.
Seems to be working out
better than we expected.

The only thing we've found out
is that it's not here.

You shouldn't have any trouble
discovering exactly where it is.

Her Highness seems
to be completely captivated.

I'd say that's
a considerable exaggeration.

You're either showing
a touch of senility,

or you need glasses, my love.
When I'm showing
my senility, darling,

you'll be occupying your time
with your grandchildren.

One has to have children
before one has grandchildren.

You wouldn't dare.
Jacques would make
a wonderful father.

- He has many redeeming qualities.
- Name one.

He's kind, loyal,
faithful, obedient.

You're either married
to a Boy Scout or a Dachshund.

And he adores me.
That eliminates the Boy Scouts.
- Good night.
- Thank you.

You seem to have
lost something.

- How'd you like to borrow mine?
- Thanks, Uncle Charles, yes.

- You've been avoiding me.
- That about describes it.

You know what
I've been thinking?

Yes. That's why
I've been avoiding you.

I don't think you were really
looking for me that night

in my uncle's bedroom.
- Don't be ridiculous.
- No, I mean it.

Not the way
you treated me today.

- You know what I think?
- What?
