The Pink Panther

Me, a defense witness?
Inspector Clouseau?
Nothing to worry about.
You'll make fools out of them.

Inspector Clouseau,
you have testified under oath

to certain pertinent facts
concerning this case.

Your testimony
and your testimony alone

has been the major factor
in casting suspicion on the defendant.

Aside from the Phantom himself,
you are the foremost authority
on the Phantom.

I have made
the Phantom my life's work.

You've testified the Phantom
has been a frequent guest

at the numerous parties
given by Miss Angela Dunning.

That is correct, yes.
You've testified it was either during
or sometime soon afterwards

that certain of Miss Dunning's guests
were robbed of their jewels.

- How many times did this happen?
- Sixteen.

- Sixteen parties, sixteen thefts?
- Yes.

- Sir Charles attended all sixteen?
- All of them.

And how many of those parties
did you attend, Inspector?

All of them.
Very interesting.
You attended the first party
when the jewels were stolen?

The jewels were stolen
during or after the party?

You knew they were
going to be stolen?

- Well, yes.
- How did you know?

That is the modus operandi
of the Phantom.

He always works that way.
I see.
Were the same people
always present at each party?

No, the guest lists varied.
Outside of Sir Charles,
was anybody else always present
at each of these parties?

Only Sir Charles was present at
each party when there was a robbery?

- Yes.
- I see.

- And what about you?
- Me?
