A High Wind in Jamaica

Come on. Sit over here.
- ## [Drumming Resumes ]
- Ohh!

- Edward!
- Willyou have some too?

No, I couldn't, no. No, I--
- It'll help.
- Verywell.

[ Groans ]
Oh, Emily, you mustn't!

Can I have some too?
[ CreakingSound]
Oh, God! Please, God!
I love the Lord Jesus.
I love the Lord Jesus.

Lord, save us. Save us.
- [ Chanting ]
- [Woman Praying, Indistinct ]

- [ Chanting, Praying Continue ]
- [Braying]

[ Woman ]
Oh, suffer us not--

The donkey is tied up
under the house!

- The house is gonna fall on it!
- Sam! Come back!

[ Woman Shouting]
Come back!

Save us from this peril,
O Lord God. Oh, please.

Oh, it's Tabby!
[ Girls Screaming]
- [All Screaming]
- It'll kill her!

- [ Screaming Continues ]
- It's all right.

Keep calm!
Keep calm, everybody.

Tabby! She'll be killed!
- Tabby! Oh, Tabby! Save her!
- Emily.

Laura, bring your doll
and sit here.

Come-- Come along.
[ Quiet Crying]
[Thunderclap ]
