A Patch of Blue

- Rose-Ann?
- What?

If I promise to get all my work done
on time, couldn't I go again tomorrow?

Who do you think here has got time
to take you to the park?

- Old Faber don't come tomorrow.
- You could take me, Ole Pa.

- No, he can't. You ain't going.
- Please! What you got against it?

It sticks out a mile!
When will you do your beads?

I'll take them.
I'll work double-quick in the park.

If I don't do twice as much work,
I'll give up the idea. I promise.

Says you!
When will you do your work here?

I'll get up earlier
and stay up longer.

I want my supper on time,
like I'm used to.

Do you good to skip supper
once in a while, blubber belly!

- Old beer belly talking about blubber.
- Only one thing messing up your idea...

...and it ain't fatso's supper.
- What, then?

- Nobody to bring you home.
- You could. I can wait!

Many a time, I'm not on my way
until it's good and dark.

Is that all? Dark's nothing to me.
I'm always in the dark.

How about that.
So you are.
You hear that, Rose-Ann?

With her face,
I wouldn't parade around the street.

What's wrong with my face?
- Lf you could see, you'd know.
- It ain't true.

- Is there something wrong with my face?
- No. Pay no attention to her.

Her face is a mess! Now, come on,
get moving with the supper.

I got a heavy night in front of me.
And would you clean up those beads?
Forget about the park, Selina.
You got a nice, quiet life here.
