Battle of the Bulge

I got a Christmas cake from home today.
Think I'll be around to eat it?
Bring me the prints as soon
As they're developed.
Yes, sir.
Hello, Kiley.

Find any Germans under
your bed this morning?

Marching there all night.
Couldn't sleep a wink.
That's an order.
I want every item on that menu
Delivered to every soldier in
the Division,

Especialy those
in the forward positions.

Deliver them in time for
Christmas dinner.

picked this up

From an enemy acent,
dated November 29.

"From field marshal Kitel, most secret.
"Officers and men who speak English
"And wanted for special mission.
"Volunteers will report to
General Kohler's headquarters."

What do you make of it?
In my opinion, General,
This is one more confirmation
They're going to attack us.
Come on, Kiley. Not that acain.
They're probably preparing
a fifth column

To drop behind our lines.
Were you in the state
department, too. Kiley?

I thought your experience was
limited to police work.

Haveing have an inspector of police
Doesn't disqualify me from thinking.
All cops aren't flatfoots.
Your limited military experience
Doesn't exactly inspire
confidence in your conclusions.

If you think... Why do you say they're
mounting an offensive?

I spent 20 years before the
war asking questions.

Ever since D-day, you've had
me doing the same thing...

Interrocating prisoners.
I can only report what I've learned.
The Grman soldier facing us
is still undefeated.

He can still fight.
His leaders know that.
As long as he can fight, they'll attack.
I have io other officers
in my section.

We see the same information,
Get the same facts as you.
All of us arrive at one answer,
And yours is a complete opposite.
