Campanadas a medianoche

- The music is come, sir.
- Let them play!

Let them play!
What wilt thou have? I shall
receive money on Monday.

Thou shalt have a
cap to-morrow.

Come, sing a merry song
and make me gay!

Thou wilt forget me when
I am gone.

Thou wilt set me a weeping
an thou sayest so.

Kiss me, Doll.
Is it not strange that desire
should so outlive performance?

Thou dost give flattering busses.
I kiss thee with a most
constant heart.

I am old.
I am old.
I love thee better than I
love e'er a young boy.

An the Prince...?
- What humour is the prince of?
- Yes.

- A good shallow young fellow.
- Didst thou cut an ear off?

- And Poins, he a good wit?
- Poins, a wit?

Let us beat him before
his whore?

Poins and the prince
are such another.

A bastard son of the king's!
And art thou not
Poins, his brother?

My lord, he will drive you out
of your revenge.

How, you fat fool!
