Cat Ballou

What about what l said?
Look, this is the Wolf City
Tribune of two days ago.

"200 workingmen stand
ready for work on Monday...

...on the largest slaughterhouse
outside Chicago."

What's that got to do with a train?
Workingmen gotta be paid, right?
There's gonna be a payroll coming.

-That's maybe 1 000, $2000?
-I will drink to that!

-Can't hold up no train.
-Why not?

-Lots of reasons.
-Name them.

We're not robbers.
If you didn't try new things,
there'd be no progress.

Look, you're outta your mind!
Squeeze blood outta
them in your dreams!

Build your life anew.
This studying on revenge is
turning your back on the future...

...and letting the past
eat at your heart.

They can't get us in Hole in the Wall.
We can use Shelleen's own plan
for train robbery.

My plan?
" Chapter Seven."
"The Whiskey Slide and
Tuskegon railroad had a car...

...that was bandit-proof.
That was a challenge
and a matter of pride...

:54:02 see that it was robbed."
And so on and so on.

That plan!
All right!
You all say you love me
and are beholden to me.

"Take it easy.
We'll take care of you!"

The first time l ask you to do one
thing for me, like rob a train....

Listen, Miss Ballou!
Some gang!
A horse-ranch lndian, a drunken
gunfighter, a sex maniac...

...and an uncle!
Now look here....
Clay Boone's gang of chicken rustlers.
I'm gonna do it alone!
Hey, did we say no?
Quit your crying.
We'll do it!

-You will?
-This is the last thing. Crazy dame!

That plan?
