King Rat

Nothing. Go find Prouty in the
Garden of Eden and finish the deal.

l'm different from Hawkins.
l let my doggy off the leash.

Look, can l offer you a Kooa?
l mean, is that all right?

Sure. That's different.
There is a radio in this hut!
Let me handle it.
Now let me in, will you?
-Good morning, captain.
-lt is not a good morning.

There is a radio. A radio is against
the orders of the lmperial Army.

Yes, well,
l don't know anything about it.

-Do you know anything about it?
-No, sir.

-What about you?
-No, sir.

Where's the wireless?
Now, look, it's got to be found,
so where is it?

l order those responsible
to hand it over immediately.

l'm asking you once more.
You, what's your name?

-Lt. Spence, sir.
-Where is it hidden?

l don't know what you're
talking about, sir.

Grey! You're provost marshal.
lf there's one here,
it's your responsibility.

-l know nothing of a wireless.
-You should!

l'll have you court-martialed,
and it'll show on your record.

-Brough! What do you know?
-Nothing. And it's Maj. Brough.

lt's just the sort of trouble
you bloody Americans cause.
