King Rat

Don't eat too much rich food. You
should live to play the violin again.

You're lucky. No bones broken.
Now, think about something else
for a bit.

You got tickets for the play?
lt should be a good one.
l helped write, or rather, remember,
the last act.

l saw the original production
on my honeymoon, believe it or not.

Jessica Tandy, l remember.
She played the character of
the young lady living in freedom.

She had a line--
l remember as if it was yesterday.
The young man said to her,
''My dear Audrey.''

lt was his line, not hers. That's right.
''My dear Audrey,'' he said...

...''you'll get spots on your nose
if you drink when it's hot.''

l'll never forget that.
Even though
l was on my honeymoon...

...l fell in love with Audrey,
young lady living in freedom.

And now our Sean
will be playing the role.

-What's the matter with you, Stevens?
-Nothing, sir.

You're a liar, Stevens.
You shave your legs and you're a liar.

But you care. You care.
That's what saves you.

-Saves me from what, sir?
-Yourself, Stevens, yourself.

l thought you were gonna say,
''From a fate worse than death,'' sir.

There's no such thing.
