Obchod na korze

selling potatoes on mainstreet
No, no, not potatoes!
We'II seII better products.

Why are you Iooking so sad?
We'II drink up and that's that!

Give me a kiss, sweetie!
l have a good looking girl...
Wait, Tony! Here,
have one of these!

Take one! Do you Iike the case?
Take it! Take it!

I'm not in the habit
to owe anything, understand?

Let me see! Look,
this is the way...it opens.

Leave him aIone! He'II Iearn
to be a proper gentIeman!

Take it, Tony, it's yours!
Do you have anymore saIad?
For you? AIways, Mark!
Tony, don't you Iose it!
You'II see - I'II make
a cIassy gentIeman of him yet!

Let me teII you, my boy,
if one puIIed to the Ieft

and the other to the right,
things wouId be in a mess.

That's a fact!
WeII, as I've been teIIing you:
have you ever seen a cock
that didn't crow at dawn?

That goes for us too, my friend!
Let's get going
whiIe the going's good.

Cocka doodIe doo!
You dope, are you drunk? Now
you've woken up the whoIe yard!

Now remember what I teII you...
we are one famiIy, understand?
