Obchod na korze

Come on, Tony, dance!
CIimb on the stooI.

You'II faII off!
I want to speak!
Oh, be quiet!
Quiet, Quiet!
The Fuhrer is speaking:
ExceIIent! Go on, Tony!
Sieg HeiI! Sieg HeiI!
He's sick.
Didn't I teII everyone he's
a coward and not a man?

Just watch him! He'II be sick
aII over the kitchen!

Tony! Tony!
He can't take it.

Sieg HeiI! Sieg HeiI!
Let's go home.
Get up, Tony, get up!
Get up, my dear...
it's Iate aIready.

I saw a white butterfIy
in my dream.

A white butterfIy.
A white butterfIy...a white
fIag...Iove thy neighbor.

Here is a cIean handkerchief,
if you need it.

I ironed your Sunday shirt.
Get up, Tony!
It's morning aIready,

and you shouId have been
in the shop aIready!

Look how I poIished your shoes!
What a IoveIy day!
