Obchod na korze

Mrs. Lautmann!
Mrs. Lautmann!

You have to knock harder -
she is quite deaf!

She needs her ears cIeaned.
-Good day, Mrs. Andric.
-Good day!

Mrs. Lautmann!
Oh, it's Krtko?
What are you doing here?

My name is Brtko! Tony!
Don't mind me...come in,
nice of you to have come!

Mrs. Lautmann...we have
to open the shop!

I am sorry I haven't tidied up.
I didn't know you were coming.

Did you have breakfast?
I oversIept.

I said to myseIf: ''it's Sabbath
today, there's pIenty of time.''

Mrs. Lautmann,
peopIe are wondering why
we haven't opened the shop yet.

It's aImost eight...
bim...bim...eight! It's Iate!

Do teII me -
did you have breakfast?

I did...I did.
Do sit down!
Mrs. Lautmann...
we can't go on this way.

We have to open up!
The key! The Iock!
The shutters!

We want to seII buttons,
don't we?

No, my boy - it's Sabbath
today. I never open on Sabbath.

Never seII buttons.
