Obchod na korze

Wait, it won't take a minute.
FooIs! You can aII go to heII!
A town crier is a town-crier,

a pubIic servant... and
you go and put up brass tubes,

tin Ioudspeakers...robbing
a poor man of his daiIy bread!

Those tin Ioudspeakers
can never repIace me.

What's the troubIe,
Piti Batchi?

You haven't got
a voice Iike this.

Haven't I? Haven't I?
We'II see

The Cavalry, the Cavalry,
puts roses in your cheeks

The fooIs! What a circus!
They started with that Tower
of BabeI - and here we are!

Do you hear?
Tin Ioud-speakers.

I want to see what happens when
we get heavy snow-faIIs

and their wires are aII
covered up. What wiII they do?

Where's your arisator,
Mr. Katz?

Where? You can guess.
Do you want a massage
or shaII I wash your hair?

A massage, a massage.
Piti Batchi, I won't have time
to attend to you today.

I'II wait...
I have pIenty of time.

Good day. WeII, here I am.
WeIcome, Mr. Brtko!
He won't have time to attend
to you today, dear neighbor.

It's Wednesday, isn't it,
Mr. Kuchar?

Of course it's Wednesday,
it's been Wednesday aII day.

Imagine that! Do sit down,
Mr. Brtko.

Piti Batchi wiII onIy want
his whiskers shortened, right?

Do sit down!
TaIking of Wednesday...
OId Mr. Cohen used
to come in on his fIat feet

with a fistfuI of IiIies
of the vaIIey.

You do remember him, Imro,
don't you?
