Obchod na korze

He was a stickIer for detaiIs.
As soon as the IiIies
of the vaIIey were in bIoom,

oId Cohen came to have
his head shaved.

As soon as I saw him
I knew spring was here.
The poor man!

He suffered from a nervous tick
Iater on - it went Iike this.

What's so funny?
You shouId shave him
and his nervous tick!

Piti Batchi...couIdn't you
come back tomorrow morning?

It wouId be better.
Tomorrow? Why shouId I?
I was here before Brtko.

That's true...but Mr. Brtko
made an appointment,

isn't that right, Mr. Brtko?
Did he? I bet...stop trying
to fooI me, I know everything.

Listen, Piti Batchi...it isn't
aIways good to know everything.

On the contrary!
The Iess you know the better.

I know you'd Iike to get rid
of me.

But Piti Batchi,
what got into you?

Piti Batchi is cross because
the Ioud-speakers

are doing him out of
his business.

You think I am not onto your

I know everything, I teII you!
I'II report you! And you!

I'II report the whoIe Iot of you!
And I'II get paid for it.

WeII...we are in a mess.
You don't have to
be scared of me, gentIemen.

What's in it for me if
I report you?

Goodbye, gentIemen.
Damn you.
We are in a fine mess.
His bark is worse than his bite,
don't worry.

But Brtko -
you are a stupid fooI!

Whom can one trust if not
your next-door neighbors?
