Ship of Fools

When I was 4, I persuaded
my little brother to drink lye water.

- Lye water?
- Yeah, I told him it was milk.

So he went to screaming about the
house. His mouth was scrubbed out.

I was beaten black-and-blue.
I meant him no harm.

I was only curious to know
whether it would kill him.

And what about your childhood?
Did nothing gay
ever happen to you at all?

I was the perfect dupe.
I believed anything
anybody ever told me.

I was full of the highest hopes
and the most unbelievable innocence.

It's true, at the age of 12, I did have
an experience with the housekeeper...

...that left an indelible impression
on me...

...shocked my mother no end
and cost the poor girl her job.

Well, there is hope for you after all.
The toreros are having
a fiesta tonight.

- I know.
- Are you coming?

I wasn't planning to.
I thought we might have a dance
if you did.

Of course, you probably don't dance.
- Exactly how dull do you think I am?
- You are dull.

You're dull...
...and charming.
Yes, charming.
You're blushing.
That's the most charming thing
I've ever seen in my whole life.

I've never seen a man blush before.
I'm not blushing.
I must have a temperature.

Anyway, I'll wear my only dress...
