Ship of Fools

And is drowned
to save the life of a dog.

Yes, I can understand.
Who was he?
He was a woodcarver. He carved
little animals with his pocketknife.

Come in, please.
Doctor, what can we do?
Well, you're doing
all that can be done.

- How did it happen?
- Yeah. How did it happen?

- He was thrown overboard.
- Who would do such a thing?

But look at him. He knows
that someone tried to drown him!

- His heart is broken.
- Doctor!

You are not leaving?
Perhaps we could get him some broth.
Some hot broth.

Yes. You can give him some broth.
It won't do any harm.

Is that all?
Yes, that's all.
The man who saved him is dead.
Did he say a man is dead?
I know how you feel.
No. You don't. You're like the others.
You thought the captain was justified
in taking his knife away, right?

You were the one who felt sorry
for the captain. That was you, wasn't it?

Why can't we be honest
with each other?

I don't know.
