That Darn Cat!

She and the Henderson boy,
the two of them.

Why shouldn't he go
in the house?

He's been hanging around
since he was old enough to wave bye-bye.

they happen to represent

two separate and distinct
members of the opposite sex.

- Alone, in that house.
- You tell them, kid.

With their parents all over Europe,
someone's got to keep an eye
on those girls.

by authority of
the Federal Communications Commission,

and the grace of
a kindly Providence,

which gave me the power of
not having to listen to people,

I am now going off the air.
Don't you dare take that thing off!
I haven't finished talking.

Good night, old woman.
I can't hear what you're sayin',

but whatever it is,
I disagree with you 100 percent.

[Canoe] You're out of peanut butter.
How come there aren't any olives?

- [Girl] Put them on the shopping list.
- Okay.

- Hi, DC.
- [Meowing]

You know, Patti,
sometimes you worry me.

You don't eat enough
to keep a bird alive.

Canoe. This is just a wild idea,
but has it ever occurred to you

there's more to life
than surfing and eating?

- Like what?
- Forget it.

I just realized
I was talking to myself.

- Hey, your folks are in Venice.
- I know.

Your father got indigestion
from a clam sauce, but feels better now.

Bills, bills, bills.
Look at this, nothing but bills.

Surf news should be
comin' up about now.

You listen. I'm gonna straighten up
and go off to bed.

- Okay.
- Hi, DC.

Watch the crumbs, will you, fellas?
Pass the word. Watch the crumbs.
[TV announcer]
According to authorities,

the desperados and their victim
may have traveled north

in an effort to escape this area.
- Their car was discovered on...
- That's Miss Miller.
